
JG Pro is a PMA, or private member association. You do not have to be a member to buy from us, but we do offer a discount if you are (Ask about it).  Jim Green, a minister of the Gospel, prayer warrior, and disciple-maker is the force behind the company. He has authored many books and preached countless sermons. His humor and quick wit are demonstrated in his Jimisms,  and his creativity in his videotionals, a short impact video that could be likened to a modern-day parable.  They are always to the point and meaningful, delivered without being preachy.  He is not only a public speaker but a singing evangelist with skills in drama, computer, video and sound technology. That has helped him serving hundreds of recovering men in rehab whose lives he has forever touched.

Jim Green’s business side is more diverse than most. With knowledge of many programming languages, he has developed a broad range of applications in his career. His technical skill may only be surpassed by his experience in manufacturing, marketing, and sales.  Sign up today (below) and receive his latest posts related to all manner of monetary issues.