Digital Madness

2022 promises to be the cashless society we’ve heard about all our lives.  Banking, as we’ve known it, is changing and soon all our money may reside in a digital wallet on our smartphone. You may wonder how and when this will happen.

The stock Market and Federal Reserve of the United States are in deep trouble reminesent to the banking collapse of 1931. Because of that, a new U.S. digital currency may be introduced to replace the petrodollar bills we’ve known all our lives.  Most will accept this transition and allow themselves to be tracked through centralized transactions.  Before long, a chip may be implanted under the skin, if even by force, to identify loyalists, and possibly test for vaccinations and authorized travel passports.  In 2013, I predicted this in my novel, GAME OVER.

It’s no secret the government has a disdain for cybercurrencies like BITCOIN, one of the oldest of digital currencies. That’s because Bitcoin employs a decentralized blockchain technology that no person owns, tracks or manipulates. Every transaction is public record but anonymous so it may represent the last remnant of financial privacy in America. Why should you adopt Bitcoin and go against the United States government? Ask the rest of the nations in the world who are choosing to adopt Bitcoin rather than be manipulated by the United States.


April 6, 2022

Jim Green, JGPRO
Crypto Consultant